My older stepbrother is a total jerk. He’s always picking on me. He loves to sneak up behind me and scare me. And he loves to hold me down and tickle me. He won’t stop now matter how loud I scream. stepdad has to come in and pull him off of me. I know one day I’ll get married and then he won’t be able to tease me. I saw him getting out of the shower once and I’ve never forgotten what a big dick he has. We made eye contact for just a second before he put his towel on, and the huge smile on his face made me so mad. Not long after that, I caught him looking on me while I changed. He was standing right outside my bedroom window, and he saw everything. I was completely naked. He didn’t run away when I caught him looking at me. He just stood there and watched. I couldn’t see his hands, and I think he might have been masturbating. What my stepbrother doesn’t know is that I went through the temple last week. I didn’t know what to expect — the temple rituals are secret