Наконец-то мы встретились в лице нашей новой красавицы, Катариной Мейс. Мы сделали несколько студийных съемки с ней. Вот наш первый набор встреча-и-приветствия

Опубликовано: 26.02.2023 Подробнее Скрыть

We finally met in person our new beauty, Katarina Meis. We did some studio shoots with her. Here’s our first meet-and-greet set. Too bad she’s so polite and still very shy, but we loved her from the first time we met her. She is cute, has a gorgeous young firm figure, with big boobs, Slavic features and such a cheerful personality. Keep watching this space as we will soon bring you more explicit pics and video of her.


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