Such a look and so much sass! 2020 was a time we will never forget. 20/20 vision is REAL. Once you see you can never unsee. I’ve always been attracted to conservative men, sure the ones discreetly into sex creatures like Karma D. I’ve always see what the globalist were up to, a lot of people don't realize I’ve never been in physical W A R but I’ve been on the frontlines of psychological/frequency W A R-F A R E against people who know I know. I just used porn to connect. Sex, pleasure and reality, I’m there love. You watched me go without for yrs living on the street while they suspended me on many platforms, gaslighting continued, black listing, stalking, smear campaigns and more. It’s okay though love, it’s now September 2024 you have time before fall and winter freeze. You let me almost freeze once, will you allow it this year? I know they hate me, it’s mutual.