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Goddess Misha Goldy: Vídeo em estilo vlog sobre eu ser uma super-mulher na...HD 19:43
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Vídeo em estilo vlog sobre eu ser uma super-mulher na vida real

Publicado:08.08.2017 Mais informações Ocultar

Custom request: You'd start by outlining the powers you'd see yourself having (for example, like Superman's invulnerability, super strength, speed, flight, heat vision, super breath, super senses, x-ray vision] but with immortality and healing rolled in) Then you'd explain what you'd probably wear (so, you could start the video by wearing a coat, and then maybe revealing a catsuit?). Giving the answers on those questions and showing to me all your power and cruelty! -- Question 1. Which superpower would you enjoy using most using on (or showing off in front of) us playthings? Question 2. If I (the clip purchaser) was the one to give you superpowers, whats the first thing you would do after becoming super? Would you use me as a plaything, ignore me and fly off to start toying with a city or something else? Question . You're flying through the skies and hear someone dissing you (instead of worshiping you), what would you do to them? Question You have just flown

🌸 Março de prazer ✨

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